Visiting Research Fellow
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Dr. Anja Goldmann
QUT Contact Details
- U Block, Level 3, Gardens Point Campus (QUT)
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Brief Curriculum Vitae
1980 | Born in Deggendorf, Germany (German Citizen, Australian PR) |
Professional Work
since 05/22 | Research Liaison Advisor, Faculty of Medicine, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany |
since 05/22 | Visiting Fellow, School of Chemistry and Physics, Faculty of Science, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia |
12/19 – 04/22 | Senior Strategic Research Advisor, Research Portfolio, Academic Division and Senior Research Fellow of the Soft Matter Materials Group, Faculty of Science, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia |
10/18 – 12/19 | Senior Research Fellow and Research Manager of the Soft Matter Materials Group, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia |
03/10 – 09/18 | Research Manager in the Macroarc group, Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany |
12/17 | Appointment as ‘Akademische Oberrätin’ (equivalent to ‘Senior Lecturer’ (Australia) and ‘Associate Professor’ (US)) |
08/13 | Appointment as ‘Akademische Rätin’ (equivalent to ‘Lecturer’ (Australia) and ‘Assistant Professor’ (US)) |
10/16 – 09/18 | Associate Research Fellow at the School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Science and Engineering Faculty at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia |
01/06–12/09 | Phd thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) on the topic of ”Click chemistry as efficient ligation strategy for complex macromolecular architecture and surface engineering”, under supervision of Prof. Axel H. E. Müller, Universität Bayreuth |
06/06–02/07 | Visiting researcher at the Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design, University of New South Wales, Sydney |
12/05 | Graduation in Polymer- and Colloid chemistry (Diploma, eq. to M.SC) |
04/05–12/05 | Diploma thesis (eqiv. M.SC.) on the topic “Development of copolyetherester with defined melt rheology” under supervision of Dr. Holger Schmalz, Prof. Axel H. E. Müller (cooperation with Ticona) |
09/03–01/04 | Erasmus fellowship organic chemistry department and inorganic chemistry department, Prof. José Luis Serrano Ostáriz, Facultad de Ciencias, University of Zaragoza, Spain |
10/00-12/05 | Undergraduate studies “Polymer- and Colloid Chemistry” at Universität Bayreuth |
10/99-09/00 | Undergraduate studies “Umwelt- und Bioingenieurwissenschaften” at Universität Bayreuth |
05/99 | Highschool certificate (Abitur), Dominicus-von-Linprun Gymnasium, Viechtach |
Research Interests and Opportunities
Polymer Synthesis
- Utilization and advancement of modern controlled/living radical polymerization techniques for the development of complex macromolecular architectures and surface functionalization
- RAFT Polymer Design
- Novel Ultra-Fast Orthogonal Ligation Protocols; Spatially and Temporally Controlled Surface Design
- Controlled/Living Polymerization of Metallocene Monomers
- Hetero Diels-Alder reactions
Polymer Characterization
Size-Exclusion Chromatography
Mass spectrometry (ESI-MS, MALDI-ToF)
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR)
Surface characterization methods (FT-IR, XPS, TOF-SIMS, FT-IR Microscopy)
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
IR microscopy
New Materials
- Modification of Particle Surfaces by Conjugation; Micro/Nanosphere Design
- Functional Polymers for Tissue Engineering Applications
- Functional Microspheres for Biomedical and Chromatographic Applications
- Biomimetic Synthetic Molecules (Towards Synthetic Proteins/Biomimetic Adhesives)
- Orthogonal Surface Modification on a Wide Range of Materials (e.g. Cellulose, Si, Hyaluronic Acid); Dynamic Covalent Surfaces
Awards and Prizes
[29] | Adaptable Macromolecular Surfaces and Networks (Invited Lecture)
A.S. Goldmann, Eva Blasco, Hendrik Frisch, Hatice Mutlu, James P. Blinco and Christopher Barner-Kowollik, Australia-Europe Symposium, European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2019. |
[28] | Light Driven Avenues to Step Growth and Segmented Block Copolymers (Oral Presentation)
A.S. Goldmann, Thomas Gegenhuber, Lies de Keer, Silvana Hurrle, Paul H. M. Van Steenberge, Hatice Mutlu, Marie-Francoise Reyniers, Dagmar R. D´hooge, Christopher Barner-Kowollik, MACRO 2018, Cairns, Australia, June/July 2018. |
[27] | Step Growth and Segmented Block Copolymers by Photochemically Induced Reactions (Oral Presentation)
A.S. Goldmann, Thomas Gegenhuber, Lies de Keer, Silvana Hurrle, Paul H. M. Van Steenberge, Hatice Mutlu, Marie-Francoise Reyniers, Dagmar R. D´hooge, Christopher Barner-Kowollik, Bordeaux Polymer Conference, France, May 2018. |
[26] | Controlling Chemical Reactivity with Different Colors of Light (Oral Presentation)
A.S. Goldmann (on behalf of the invited lecture for Christopher Barner-Kowollik), Bordeaux Polymer Conference, France, May 2018. |
[25] | Designer Surfaces with Macromolecules (Oral Presentation)
A.S. Goldmann, C. Barner-Kowollik, KIT Business Club “Surfaces Matters”, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, November 2017. |
[24] | Light-Induced Chemistries for Macromolecular Precision Design (Poster Presentation)
A.S. Goldmann, J. P. Blinco, G. Delaittre, C. Barner-Kowollik APME Advanced Polymers, Macromolecular Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, May 2017. |
[23] | Polymer Functional Nanodiamonds by Light-Induced Reactions (Poster Presentation)
A.S. Goldmann, K.N.R. Wuest, V. Trouillet, M. H. Stenzel, C. Barner-Kowollik APME Advanced Polymers, Macromolecular Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, May 2017. |
[22] | Functional Nanodiamonds by Light-Triggered Reactions (Oral Presentation)
A.S. Goldmann, K. N. R. Wüst, M. Stenzel, C. Barner-Kowollik, 36th Australasian Polymer Symposium, Lorne, Australia, November 2016. |
[21] | Light-Triggered Chemistries for Macromolecular Precision Design (Poster Presentation, Award for the best Poster Presentation)
A.S. Goldmann, C. Barner-Kowollik, 25th Lecture Conference in Photochemistry, Jena, Germany, September 2016. |
[20] | Fusing Bio-Inspired Surface Modification with Cycloaddition-Driven Polymer Conjugation (Poster Presentation)
A.S. Goldmann, C. M. Preuss, T. Tischer, K. N. R. Wuest, V. Trouillet, M. Bruns, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, M. H. Stenzel, C. Barner-Kowollik, Biointerfaces International 2016, Zürich, Switzerland, August 2016. |
[19] | Time to Fly: In-Depth (Mass) Spectrometric Characterization of Poly(Ionic Liquid)s in Solution and on Surfaces (Poster Presentation)
A. S. Goldmann, J. Steinkoenig, J. Yuan, C. Barner-Kowollik et al. Bayreuth Polymer Symposium, BPS 2015, Bayreuth, Germany, September 2015. |
[18] | Spatially Resolved Photochemical Biosurface Design (Poster Presentation)
A. S. Goldmann Fourth International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (Hybrid Materials 2015), Sitges, Spain, March 2015. |
[17] | Modular Biosurface Design (Invited Oral Presentation)
A. S. Goldmann, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, July 2013. |
[16] | Functional (Bio)Surfaces for Reversible Coatings (Oral Presentation)
A. S. Goldmann, C. Preuß, T. Tischer, A. Walther, L. Barner, M. Bruns, H. G. Börner, C.Barner-Kowollik, Australian Polymer Symposium, Darwin, Australia, July 2013. |
[15] | (Spatially) Controlled Ligation of Synthetic Polymers and Peptides onto Various (Bio)Substrates (Invited Oral Presentation)
A. S. Goldmann, C. Barner-Kowollik, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, IPREM EPCP (Equipe de Physique et Chimie des Polymères), Pau, France, April 2013. |
[14] | Design and Characterization of Modular (Bio)Surfaces (Oral Presentation)
Bruker Optics User Meeting, Ettlingen, Germany, November 2012. |
[13] | Orthogonal Mussel Inspired Surface Modification (Oral Presentation)
C. M. Preuss, A. S. Goldmann, V. Trouillet, A. Walther, C. Barner-Kowollik, International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry and Materials, Nice, France, October 2012. |
[12] | Tailored Surface Modification of Biosubstrates (Oral Presentation)
T. Tischer, A. S. Goldmann, K. Linkert, V. Trouillet, H. G. Börner, C. Barner-Kowollik, Warwick 2012 ‘Polymers’, Warwick, UK, July 2012. |
[11] | Mussel-Inspired (Hetero) Diels-Alder Precursors for Surface Modification (Poster Presentation)
Bayreuth Polymer Symposium (BPS ´11), Bayreuth, Germany, September 2011. |
[10] | Mild and Modular Surface Modification of Cellulose via Hetero Diels-Alder (HDA) Cycloaddition (Oral Presentation)
11th Annual UNESCO/IUPAC Conference on Functional Polymeric Materials and Composites, Stellenbosch, South Africa, April 2011. |
[09] | Surface Modification of Divinylbenzene Microspheres via Thiol-Ene-Reaction and Click Chemistry (Poster Presentation)
Frontiers in Polymer Science, Mainz, Germany, June 2009. |
[08] | Fluorescent Click-Functionalized Fe3O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles (Poster Presentation)
Europolymer Conference (EUPOC), “Click”-Methods in Polymer and Material Science, Gargnano, Italy, June 2009. |
[07] | Azide-Alkyne and Thiol-Ene Reactions as Versatile Tools in the Synthesis of Cyclic Polymers and Surface-Functionalization of Microspheres (Invited Oral Presentation)
Zernike Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, April 2009. |
[06] | Access to Cyclic Polystyrene via a Combination of Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) Polymerization and Click Chemistry (Poster Presentation)
236th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 2008. |
[05] | Cyclic Polymers: RAFT Polymer Chain Ends “Clicked Together” (Poster Presentation)
Macromolecular Colloquium, Freiburg i. Br., Germany, February 2008. |
[04] | Cyclic Polymers: RAFT Polymer Chain Ends “Clicked” Together (Poster Presentation)
Controlled / Living Polymerization Meeting (CLP´07), Antalya, Turkey, October 2007. |
[03] | Ring-Shaped Polymers by Combination of RAFT and Click Chemistry (Poster Presentation, Poster Prize Winner)
3rd STIPOMAT meeting, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, October 2007. |
[02] | Ring-Shaped Polymers by Combination of RAFT and Click-Chemistry (Poster Presentation)
IUPAC International Symposium on Ionic Polymerization, Kloster Banz, Germany, September 2007. |
[01] | Towards Ring-Shaped Polymers: Combining RAFT and Click-Chemistry (Oral Presentation)
Australian Polymer Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania, February 2007. |
[719] |
Photoswitchable Block Copolymers Based on Main Chain α-Bisimines
Thai, L. D.; Guimarães, T. R.; Spann, S.; Goldmann, A. S.; Golberg, D.; Mutlu, H.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2022, 13, 5625-5635. |
[705] |
Orange-Light-Induced Photochemistry Gated by pH and Confined Environments
Kodura, D.; Rodrigues, L. L.; Walden, S. L.; Goldmann, A. S.; Frisch, F.; Barner-Kowollik, C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 6343-6348. |
[688] |
A Self-Catalyzed Visible Light Driven Thiol Ligation
Rodrigues, L. L; Micallef, A. S.; Pfrunder, M. C.; Truong, V. X.; McMurtrie, J. C.; Dargaville, T. R.; Goldmann, A. S.; Feist, F.; Barner-Kowollik, C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 7292-7297. |
[685] |
Wavelength-Selective Softening of Hydrogel Networks
Pelloth, J. L.; Tran, P. A.; Walther, A.; Goldmann, A. S.; Frisch, H.; Truong, V. X.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2102184. |
[665] |
Electrochemical Stimulation of Water-Oil Interfaces by Nonionic-Cationic Block Copolymer Systems
Prasser, Q.; Steinbach, D.; Kodura, D.; Schildknecht, V.; König, K.; Weber, C.; Brendler, E.; Vogt, C.; Peuker, U.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Mertens, F.; Schacher, F.; Goldmann, A.; Plamper, F. Langmuir 2021, 37, 1073-1081. |
[660] |
Reversible Diels–Alder and Michael Addition Reactions Enable the Facile Postsynthetic Modification of Metal–Organic Frameworks
Nayab, S.; Trouillet, V.; Gliemann, H.; Weidler, P. G.; Azeem, I.; Tariq, S. R.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Yameen, B. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 4397-4409. |
[636] |
Light-Fueled Dynamic Covalent Crosslinking of Single Polymer Chains in Non-Equilibrium States
Kodura, D.; Houck, H. A.; Bloesser, F. R.; Goldmann, A. S.; Du Prez, F. E.; Frisch, H.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 1302-1310. |
[633] |
Light-Induced Ligation of o-Quinodimethanes with Gated Fluorescence Self-Reporting
Feist, F.; Rodrigues, L. L.; Walden, S. L.; Krappitz, T. W.; Dargaville, T. R.; Weil, T.; Goldmann, A. S.; Blinco, J. P.; Barner-Kowollik, C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 7744-7748. |
[581] |
Comb Polymers with Triazole Linkages under Thermal and Mechanical Stress
Petit, C.; Abbasi, M.; Fischer, T.; Wilhelm, M.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromolecules 2019, 52, 420-431. |
[604] |
Adaptable and Reprogrammable Surfaces
Goldmann, A. S.; Boase, N. R. B.; Michalek, L.; Blinco, J. P.; Welle, A.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Adv. Mater. 2019, 31, 1902665. |
[561] |
Stability of Diels–Alder Photoadducts in Macromolecules
Petit, C.; Bangert, L. D.; Abbasi, M.; Wilhelm, M.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2018, 9, 3850-3854. |
[551] |
Photochemical Ligation Meets Nanocellulose: A Versatile Platform for Self-Reporting Functional Materials
Hoenders, D.; Guo, J.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C., Walther, A. Mater. Horiz. 2018, 5, 560-568. |
[540] |
Light-Induced Step-Growth Polymerization of AB-Type Photo-Monomers at Ambient Temperature
Hurrle, S.; Goldmann, A. S.; Gliemann, H.; Mutlu, H.; Barner-Kowollik, C. ACS Macro Lett. 2018, 7, 201-207. |
[537] |
Visible Light [2+2] Cycloadditions for Reversible Polymer Ligation
Marschner, D. E.; Frisch, H.; Offenloch, J. T.; Tuten, B. T.; Becer, R.; Walther, A.; Goldmann, A. S.; Tzvetkova, P.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromolecules 2018, 51, 3802-3807. |
[534] |
Unraveling the Spontaneous Zwitterionic Copolymerization Mechanism of Cyclic Imino Ethers and Acrylic Acid
Steinkoenig, J.; de Jongh, P. J. M.; Haddleton, D.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Kempe, K. Macromolecules 2018, 51, 318-327. |
[529] |
Engineering Nitroxide Functional Surfaces Using Bioinspired Adhesion
Woehlk, H.; Steinkoenig, J.; Lang, C.; Michalek, L.; Trouillet, V.; Krolla, P.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner, L.; Blinco, J. P.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Fairfull-Smith, K. E. Langmuir 2018, 34, 3264-3274. |
[527] |
Wavelength-Gated Dynamic Covalent Chemistry
Frisch, H.; Marschner, D.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 2036-2045. |
[475] |
Ultrathin Monomolecular Films and Robust Assemblies Based on Cyclic Catechols
Zieger, M. M.; Pop-Georgievski, O.; de los Santos Pereira, A.; Verveniotis, E.; Preuss, C. M.; Zorn, M.; Reck, B.; Goldmann, A. S.; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Langmuir 2017, 33, 670-679. |
[478] |
Dynamic Covalent Single Chain Nanoparticles based on Hetero Diels-Alder Chemistry
Wedler-Jasinski, N.; Lueckerath, T.; Mutlu, H.; Goldmann, A. S.; Walther, A.; Stenzel, M. H.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 157-160. |
[479] |
Two-in-One: λ-Orthogonal Photochemistry on a Radical Photoinitiating System
Hurrle, S.; Lauer, A.; Gliemann, H.; Mutlu, H.; Woell, C.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2017, 38, 1600598. |
[481] |
Direct Light-induced (Co-)Grafting of Photoactive Polymers to Graphitic Nanodiamonds
Wuest, K. N. R.; Trouillet, V.; Köppe, R.; Roesky, P. W.; Goldmann, A. S.; Stenzel, M. H.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2017, 8, 838-842. |
[500] |
Polymer Functionalization
Blasco, E.; Sims, M. B.; Goldmann, A. S.; Sumerlin, B. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromolecules 2017, 50, 5215-5252. |
[503] |
Supercharging Synthetic Polymers: Mass Spectrometric Access to Nonpolar Synthetic Polymers
Steinkoenig, J.; Cecchini, M. M.; Reale, S.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromolecules 2017, 50, 8033-8041. |
[504] |
Oxidative Polymerization of Catecholamines: Structural Access by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Woehlk, H.; Steinkoenig, J.; Lang, C.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner, L.; Blinco, J. P.; Fairfull-Smith, K. E.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2017, 8, 3050-3055. |
[507] |
Photo-Reversible Bonding and Cleavage of Block Copolymers
Telitel, S.; Blasco, E.; Bangert, L.; Schacher, F.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2017, 8, 4038-4042. |
[508] |
Spatially Resolved Photochemical Coding of Reversibly Anchored Cysteine-Rich Domains
Gegenhuber, T.; Abt, D.; Welle, A.; Oezbek, S.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. J. Mater. Chem. B 2017, 5, 4993-5000. |
[515] |
Fusing Light-Induced Step-Growth Processes with RAFT Chemistry for Segmented Copolymer Synthesis: A Synergetic Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study
Gegenhuber, T.; De Keer, L.; Goldmann, A. S.; Van Steenberge, P. H. M.; Mueller, J. O.; Reyniers, M.-F.; Menzel, J. P.; D´hooge, D. R.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromolecules 2017, 50, 6451-6467. |
[521] |
Chemically Reprogrammable Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) based on Diels-Alder Chemistry
Nayab, S.; Trouillet, V.; Gliemann, H.; Hurrle, S.; Weidler, P.; Tariq, S. R.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Yameen, B. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 11461-11464. |
[525] |
A Facile Route to Segmented Copolymers by Fusing Ambient Temperature Step-Growth and RAFT Polymerization
Gegenhuber, T.; Schenzel, A. M., Goldmann, A. S.; Zetterlund, P. B.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 10648-10651. |
[526] |
Fluorescent Glyco Single-Chain Nanoparticle-Decorated Nanodiamonds
Wuest, K. N. R.; Lu, H.; Thomas, D. S.; Goldmann, A. S.; Stenzel, M. H.; Barner-Kowollik, C. ACS Macro Lett. 2017, 6, 1168-1174. |
[463] |
Just Add Salt: A Mass Spectrometric Analysis Method for Imaging Anion-Exchanged Poly(Ionic Liquid)s
Steinkoenig, J.; Cecchini, M. M.; Goldmann, A. S.; Reale, S.; De Angelis, F.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2016, 37, 1662-1666. |
[455] |
α,ω-Reactive Building Blocks Based on a Dual Functional RAFT Agent for Thermal and Light-Induced Ligation
Langer, M.; Mueller, J. O.; Goldmann, A. S.; Schacher, F. H; Barner-Kowollik, C. ACS Macro Lett. 2016, 5, 597-601. |
[454] |
Polymer Interfaces: Synthetic Strategies Enabling Functionality, Adaptivity, and Spatial Control
Barner-Kowollik, C.; Goldmann, A. S.; Schacher, F. H. Macromolecules 2016, 49, 5001-5016. (see journal cover) |
[453] |
Universal Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Poly(Ionic Liquid)s
Cecchini, M. M.; Steinkoenig, J.; Reale, S.; Barner, L.; Yuan, J.; Goldmann, A. S.; De Angelis, F.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 4912-4921. |
[445] |
Polymer Functional Nanodiamonds by Light-Induced Ligation
Wuest, K. N. R.; Trouillet, V.; Goldmann, A. S.; Stenzel, M. H.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromolecules 2016, 49, 1712-1721. |
[426] |
Controlled Radical Polymerization and In-Depth Mass-Spectrometric Characterization of Poly(Ionic Liquid)s and their Photopatterning on Surfaces
Steinkoenig, J.; Bloesser, F. R.; Huber, B.; Welle, A.; Trouillet, V.; Weidner, S.; Barner, L.; Roesky, P. W.; Yuan, J.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2016, 7, 451-461. |
[399] |
Cleaning the Click: A Simple Electrochemical Avenue for Copper Removal from Strongly Coordinating Macromolecules
Jasinski, N.; Lauer, A.; Stals, P. J. M.; Behrens, S.; Essig, S.; Walther, A.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. ACS Macro Lett. 2015, 4, 298-301. |
[403] |
Phase Inversion Membranes from Amphiphilic Diblock Terpolymers
Hoerenz, C.; Pietsch, C.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Schacher, F. H. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 2, 1500042. |
[407] |
Hierarchical Nacre Mimetics with Synergistic Mechanical Properties by Control of Molecular Interactions in Self-Healing Polymers
Zhu, B.; Jasinski, N.; Benitez, A.; Noack, M.; Park, D.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Walther, A. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 8653-8657. |
[420] |
Efficient Photochemical Approaches for Spatially Resolved Surface Functionalization
Delaittre, G.; Goldmann, A. S.; Mueller, J. O.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 11388-11403.
[395] |
Fusing Catechol-Driven Surface Anchoring with Rapid Hetero Diels–Alder Ligation
Preuss, C. M.; Zieger, M. M.; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C.; Zydziak, N.; Trouillet, V.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. ACS Macro Lett. 2014, 3, 1169-1173. |
[377] |
Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Featuring a Reversible Hetero Diels–Alder Linkage
Langer, M.; Brandt, J.; Lederer, A.; Goldmann, A. S.; Schacher, F. H.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2014, 5, 5330-5338. |
[376] |
Stability of Star-shaped RAFT Polystyrenes under Mechanical and Thermal Stress
Altintas, O.; Abbasi, M.; Riazi, K.; Goldmann, A. S.; Dingenouts, N.; Wilhelm, M.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2014, 5, 5009-5019. |
[367] |
Ambient Temperature Ligation of Diene Functional Polymer and Peptide Strands onto Cellulose via Photochemical and Thermal Protocols
Tischer, T.; Claus, T. K.; Oehlenschlaeger, K. K.; Trouillet, V.; Bruns, M.: Welle, A.; Linkert, K.; Goldmann, A. S.; Börner, H. G.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2014, 35, 1121-1127. |
[364] |
Photo-Patterning of Non-Fouling Polymers and Biomolecules on Paper
Tischer, T.; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C.; Trouillet, V.; Welle, A.; Schueler, V.; Mueller, J. O.; Goldmann, A. S.; Brynda, E.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 4087-4092. |
[347] |
A Bioinspired Light Induced Avenue for the Design of Patterned Functional Interfaces
Preuss, C. M.; Tischer, T.; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C.; Zieger, M.; Bruns, M.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner-Kowollik, C. J. Mater. Chem. B 2014, 2, 36-40. |
[14] |
Post-Functionalization of Polymers via Orthogonal Ligation Chemistries
Goldmann, A. S.; Glassner, M.; Inglis, A. J.; Barner-Kowollik, C. in Chemistry of Organo-Hybrids: Synthesis and Characterization of Functional Nano-Objects, Lacôte, E.; Charleux, B.; Copéret, C. Eds., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2014, 395-465, ISBN 978-1-118-37902-8. |
[303] |
Grafting Efficiency of Synthetic Polymers onto Biomaterials: A Comparative Study of Grafting-from versus Grafting-to
Hansson, S.; Trouillet, V.; Tischer, T.; Goldmann, A. S.; Carlmark, A.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Malmström, E. Biomacromolecules 2013, 14, 64-74. |
[306] |
Biomimetic Dopamine-Diels-Alder Switches
Preuss, C. M.; Goldmann, A. S.; Trouillet, V.; Walther, A.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2013, 34, 640-644. |
[332] |
Controlled Cell Adhesion on Poly(dopamine) Interfaces Photopatterned with Non-Fouling Brushes
Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C.; Preuss, C. M.; Yameen, B.; Pop-Georgievski, O.; Bachmann, M.; Mueller, J. O.; Bruns, M.; Goldmann, A. S.; Bastmeyer, M.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 6123-6127. |
[335] |
Consecutive Modular Ligation as an Access Route to Palladium Containing Polymers
Lang, C.; Pahnke, K.; Kiefer, C.; Goldmann, A. S.; Roesky, P. W.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2013, 4, 5456-5462. |
[346] |
Spatially Controlled Photochemical Peptide and Polymer Conjugation on Biosurfaces
Tischer, T.; Claus, T. K.; Bruns, M.; Trouillet, V.; Linkert, K.; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C.; Goldmann, A. S.; Perrier, S.; Börner, H. G.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Biomacromolecules 2013, 14, 4340-4350. |
[292] |
Palladium-Containing Polymers via a Combination of RAFT and Triazole Chemistry
Lang, C.; Kiefer, C.; Lejeune, E.; Goldmann, A. S.; Breher, F.; Roesky, P. W.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2012, 3, 2413-2420. |
[283] |
Modular Ligation of Thioamide Functional Peptides onto Solid Cellulose Substrates
Tischer, T.; Goldmann, A. S.; Linkert, K.; Trouillet, V.; Börner H. G.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 22, 3853-3864. |
[260] |
Visualization of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) (PMMA) Grafts on Cellulose via High-Resolution FT-IR Microscopy Imaging
Hansson, S.; Tischer, T.; Goldmann, A.S.; Carlmark, A.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Malmström, E. Polym. Chem. 2012, 3, 307-309. |
[255] |
Orthogonal Ligation to Spherical Polymeric Microparticles: Modular Approaches for Surface Tailoring
Goldmann, A. S.; Barner, L.; Kaupp, M.; Vogt, A. P.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Prog. Polym. Sci. 2012, 37, 975–984. |
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With Modular Strategies and Controlled Radical Polymerization to Functional Materials: Surface Design and Bonding on Demand Systems
Barner-Kowollik, C.; Altintas, O.; Barner, L.; Blinco, J.P.; Glassner, M.; Goldmann, A.S.; Hübner, C.; Inglis, A.J.; Nebhani, L.; Schmiedl, D.; Schmidt, F. G.; Bruns, H.M.; Tischer, T.; Zydziak, N. Polymer Preprints 2011, 52 (2), 472. |
[232] |
An Access Route to Polyferrocenes via Modular Conjugation
Lang, C.; Voll, D.; Inglis, A. J.; Dingenouts, N.; Goldmann, A. S.; Barner, L.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2011, 212, 831-839. |
[236] |
Mild and Modular Surface Modification of Cellulose via Hetero Diels-Alder (HDA) Cycloaddition
Goldmann, A. S.; Tischer, T.; Barner, L.; Bruns, M.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Biomacromolecules 2011, 12, 1137-1145. |
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Thiol-ene and Thiol-Oxirane Chemistries for the Synthesis and Modification of Cylindrical Polymer Brushes and Surface Modification of Microspheres
Goldmann, A.S.; Pirner, D.; Xu, Y.; Barner, L.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Müller, A.H.E. Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.) 2010, 51 (2), 743. |
[160] |
Bis-Hydrophilic Block Terpolymers via RAFT Polymerization: Toward Dynamic Micelles with Tunable Corona Properties
Walther, A; Millard, P.-E.; Goldmann, A. S.; Lovestead, T. M.; Schacher, F.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Müller, A. H. E. Macromolecules 2008, 41, 8608-8619. |
[147] |
Access to Cyclic Polystyrenes via a Combination of Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) Polymerization and Click Chemistry
Goldmann, A. S.; Quémener, D.; Millard, P.-E.; Davis, T. P.; Stenzel, M. H.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Müller, A. H. E. Polymer 2008, 49, 2274–2281. |
Other Publications
[07] | Macrocyclization Efficiency for Poly(2-oxazoline)s and Poly(2-oxazine)s
Huettner, N.; Goldmann, A. S.; Hoogenboom, R.; Dargaville, T. 2022, submitted. |
[06] | With Modular Strategies and Controlled Radical Polymerization to Functional Materials: Surface Design and Bonding on Demand Systems
Barner-Kowollik, C.; Altintas, O.; Barner, L.; Blinco, J.P.; Glassner, M.; Goldmann, A.S.; Hübner, C.; Inglis, A.J.; Nebhani, L.; Schmiedl, D.; Schmidt, F. G.; Bruns, H.M.; Tischer, T.; Zydziak, N. Polymer Preprints 2011, 52 (2), 472. |
[05] | Biomimetic mussel adhesive inspired clickable anchors applied to the functionalization of Fe3O4 nanoparticles
Goldmann, A. S., Schödel, C., Walther, A., Yuan, J., Loos, K. & Müller, A. H. E., Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2010, 31 (18) , 1608-1615. |
[04] | Thiol-ene and Thiol-Oxirane Chemistries for the Synthesis and Modification of Cylindrical Polymer Brushes and Surface Modification of Microspheres
Goldmann, A.S.; Pirner, D.; Xu, Y.; Barner, L.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Müller, A.H.E. Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.) 2010, 51 (2), 743. |
[03] | Surface modification of poly(divinylbenzene) microspheres via thiol-ene chemistry and alkyne-azide click reactions
Goldmann, A., Walther, A., Nebhani, L., Joso, R., Ernst, D., Loos, K., Barner-Kowollik, C., Barner, L. & Müller, A., Macromolecules 2009, 42 (11), 3707-3714. |
[02] | Color tunability and electrochemiluminescence of silver nanoclusters
Díez, I., Pusa, M., Kulmala, S., Jiang, H., Walther, A., Goldmann, A. S., Müller, A. H. E., Ikkala, O. & Ras, R. H. A., Angewandte Chemie – International Edition 2009, 48 (12), 2122-2125. |
[01] | Access to Cyclic Polystyrene via a Combination of Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) Polymerization and Click Chemistry
Goldmann, A.S.; Millard, P.; Quémener, D.; Davis, T.P.; Stenzel, M.H.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Müller, A.H.E. Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.) 2008, 49 (2), 1. |
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