Visiting Research Fellow
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Dr. Vinh Truong
QUT Contact Details
- P803B, P Block, Level 8, Gardens Point Campus (QUT)
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Brief Curriculum Vitae
since 02/20 | Research Fellow under the supervision of Prof. Christopher Barner-Kowollik, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane |
06/17 – 01/20 | Lecturer, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University |
07/14 – 05/17 | Postdoctoral Fellow under the supervision of Prof John Forsythe, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University |
08/11 – 05/14 | Postdoctoral Fellow under the supervision of Prof Andrew Dove, Department of Chemistry, Warwick University |
2007 – 2011 | Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering under the supervision of Prof Andrew Whittaker and A/Prof. Idriss Blakey, Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, University of Queensland, Australia |
2003 – 2007 | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours 1A), University of Queensland, Australia |
Research Interests and Opportunities
- Red-Shifted Reversible Photocycloaddition
- Light-Induced Ligation and Degradation by Long-Wavelength Visible Light
- Photo-Triggered Polymer Crosslinking
Biomaterials Engineering
- Hydrogels for Wound Dressings
- Cell-Materials Interaction
- 3D Cell Culture
- Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels
- Photopharmacology
Awards and Prizes
International Leading Young Scientist Recognition, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan |
Bursary for Early Career Researcher at the Emerging Polymer Technologies Summit, Melbourne |
Best Poster Presentation at RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Meeting, Manchester, UK |
University of Queensland Joint Research Scholarship |
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology Scholarship for PhD students |
David Poley Poster Prize, University of Queensland |
Dean’s list of students with high achievements, 2003-2006 |
The Australian Government’s Overseas (AusAID) Scholarship |
[05] | Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogels for Advanced Tissue Engineering Applications. Truong, V. X., Australian-Korean Polymer Symposium at the Polymer Society of Korea Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea, October, 2019. |
[04] | Visible light activation of changes in materials properties Truong, V. X., International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (ICEAN) 2018, Newcastle, October, 2018. |
[03] | Visible light triggered degradation of hydrogels for biomaterials engineering applications. Truong, V. X., “Manufacturing with Advanced Materials” seminar series at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, May, 2018 |
[02] | Applications of light-responsive hydrogels in stem cell culture. Truong, V. X., The Society of Polymer Science of Japan 67th Annual Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, May, 2018. |
[01] | Controlled release of therapeutics from hydrogels materials. Truong, V. X., IUPAC-Korean Polymer Symposium, Jeju Island, South Korea, October, 2016. |
[760] |
Photochemical Action Plots Map Orthogonal Reactivity in Photochemical Release Systems
Michenfelder, R. T.; Pashley-Johnson, F.; Guschin, V.; Delafresnaye, L.; Truong, V. X.; Wagenknecht, H.-A.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Adv. Sci. 2024, 11, 2402011 |
[747] |
Visible light-induced switching of soft matter materials properties based on thioindigo photoswitches
Walden, S. L.; Nguyen, P. H. D.; Li, H. K.; Liu, X.; Le, M. T. N.; Loh, X. J.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Truong, V. X. Nat. Commun. 2023, 14, 8298. |
[745] |
Simultaneously Recorded Photochemical Action Plots Reveal Orthogonal Reactivity
Irshadeen, I. M.; Truong, V. X.; Frisch, H.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 11959-11962. |
[738] |
Visible-Light-Induced Control over Reversible Single-Chain Nanoparticle Folding
Maag, P. H.; Feist, F.; Truong, V. X.; Frisch, H.; Roesky, P. W.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202309259. |
[724] |
DNA labelling in live cells via visible light-induced [2+2] photocycloaddition
Michenfelder, R. T.; Delafresnaye, L.; Truong, V. X.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Wagenknecht, H.-A. Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 4012-4015. |
[726] |
Fluorescence Turn-On by Photoligation – Bright Opportunities for Soft Matter Materials
Truong, V. X.; Holloway, J. O.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Chem Sci. 2022, 13, 13280-13290. |
[725] |
Red Light Induced Folding of Single Polymer Chains
Irshadeen, I. M.; Truong, V. X.; Frisch, H.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Chem Commun. 2022, 58, 12975-12978. |
[718] |
Visible Light Switchable Single-Chain Nanoparticles
Izuagbe, A. E.; Truong, V. X.; Tuten, B.; Roesky, P. W.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Macromolecules 2022, 55, 9242-9248. |
[717] |
Light- and Mechanic Field Controlled Dynamic Soft Matter Materials
Truong, V. X.; Rodrigues, L. L.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Polym. Chem. 2022, 13, 4915-4920. |
[714] |
Tuning the Photoreactivity of Photocycloaddition by Halochromism
Truong, V. X.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Aus. J. Chem. 2022, 75, 899-905. (invited contribution for the Academy of Science Award Winners Special Issue) |
[710] |
Visible-Light-Degradable 3D Microstructures in Aqueous Environments
Gernhardt, M.; Truong, V. X.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Adv. Mater. 2022, 34, 2203474. |
[708] |
Green Light Enabled Staudinger-Bertozzi Ligation
Kalayci, K.; Frisch, H.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Truong, V. X. Chem Commun. 2022, 58, 6397-6400. |
[704] |
Photodynamic covalent bonds regulated by visible light for soft matter materials
Truong, V. X.; Barner-Kowollik C. Trends Chem. 2022, 4, 291-304. |
[703] |
Two-Colour Light Activated Covalent Bond Formation
Walden, S. L.; Rodrigues, L. L.; Alves, J.; Blinco, J. P.; Truong, V. X.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13, 2943. |
[702] |
Wavelength Orthogonal Photodynamic Networks
Truong, V. X.; Ehrmann, K.; Seifermann, M.; Levkin, P.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28, e202104466. |
[698] |
Wavelength-Orthogonal Stiffening of Hydrogel Networks with Visible Light
Truong, V. X.; Bachmann, J.; Unterreiner, A.-N.; Blinco, J. P.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202113076. |
[697] |
Action Plots in Action: In-Depth Insights into Photochemical Reactivity
Irshadeen, I. M.; Walden, S. L.; Wegener, M.; Truong, V. X.; Frisch, H.; Blinco, J. P.; Barner-Kowollik, C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 21113-21126. |
[692] |
Four Component Passerini Polymerization of Bulky Monomers under High Shear Flow
Tuten, B. T.; Bui, A. H.; Wiedbrauk, S.; Truong, V. X.; Raston, C. L.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Chem Commun. 2021, 57, 8328-8331. |
[688] |
A Self-Catalyzed Visible Light Driven Thiol Ligation
Rodrigues, L. L; Micallef, A. S.; Pfrunder, M. C.; Truong, V. X.; McMurtrie, J. C.; Dargaville, T. R.; Goldmann, A. S.; Feist, F.; Barner-Kowollik, C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 7292-7297. |
[685] |
Wavelength-Selective Softening of Hydrogel Networks
Pelloth, J. L.; Tran, P. A.; Walther, A.; Goldmann, A. S.; Frisch, H.; Truong, V. X.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2102184. |
[670] |
Red-Light Driven Photocatalytic Oxime Ligation for Bioorthogonal Hydrogel Design
Truong, V. X.; Barner-Kowollik, C. ACS Macro Lett. 2021, 10, 78-83. |
[653] |
Green Light Triggered [2+2] Cycloaddition of Halochromic Styrylquinoxaline – Controlling Photoreactivity by pH
Kalayci, K.; Frisch, H.; Truong, V. X.; Barner-Kowollik, C. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 4193. |
[624] |
Wavelength-Dependent Stiffening of Hydrogel Matrices via Redshifted [2+2] Photocycloadditions
Kalayci, K.; Frisch, H.; Barner-Kowollik, C., Truong, V. X. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1908171. |
Other Publications
[42] | Micro-hydrogel injectables that deliver effective CAR-T immunotherapy against 3D solid tumor spheroids
Balachandran, S. B.; Evtimov, V. J.; Truong, V. X.; Boyd, R. L.; S. F., John; Boyd, N. R. Transl. Oncol., In Press. |
[41] | Biomimetic synthetic rubber and methods for controlling its physical properties through backbone double bond stereochemistry by monomer selection and end group modification
Becker ML; Dove AP; Truong VX; Bell CA; Barker IA; Yu, J. US Patent 10,968,303. |
[40] | Real-time intraoperative surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy-guided thermosurgical eradication of residual microtumors in orthotopic breast cancer Wen, Y.; Truong, V. X.; Li, M. 2021, Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 3066. |
[39] | Preparation of thermoresponsive hydrogels via polymerizable deep eutectic monomer solvents Nahar, Y; Horne, J.; Truong, V. X.; Bissember, A. C.; Thickett, S. C. Polym. Chem., 2021,12, 254. |
[38] | Robust Anti-Infective Multilayer Coatings with Rapid Self-Healing Property Zhou, C.; Zhou, J.; Ma, X.; Pranantyo, D.; Li, J.; Xu, L.; Truong, V. X. Mater. Sci. Eng. C., 2021, 121, 111828. |
[37] | Visible Light Enabled para-Fluoro-Thiol Ligation Engelke, J.; Truong, V. X.* Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 7015. |
[36] | Photoresponsive Styrylpyrene-Modified MOFs for Gated Loading and Release of Cargo Molecules Ou, R., Zhang, H.; Zhao, C.; Hegab, H. M.; Jiang, L., Truong, V. X.;* Wang H.* Chem. Mat., 2020, 32, 10621. |
[35] | Interplay of hydrogel composition and geometry on human mesenchymal stem cell osteogenesis Shrestha, S.; Li, F.; Truong, X. V., Forsythe, J. S.; Frith, J.* Biomacromolecules, 2020, 21, 5323. |
[34] | Green light-induced thiol-propiolate ligation using BODIPY triggers Li, M.; Dove, A.; Truong, V. X.* Angew. Chemie. Int. Ed. 2020, 132, 2304. |
[33] | microRNA Loaded Hydrogels to Enhance Osteogenic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in situ Carthew, J.; Donderwinkel, I.; Sthrestha, S.; Truong, V. X.; Forsythe, J. S.; Frith, J.* Acta Biomater. 2020, 101, 249. |
[32] | A sunlight-responsive metal-organic framework system for sustainable water desalination Ou, R.; Truong, V. X.; Hegab, H. M.; Han, L; Hou, J.; Zhang, X.; Simon, G.; Wang, H.*, Nat. Sus. 2020, 3, 1052. |
[31] | Microencapsulation improves chondrogenesis in vitro and cartilaginous matrix stability in vivo compared to bulk encapsulation Li, F; Levinson, C; Truong, V. X.; Applegate, L.; Maniura-Weber, K.; Thissen, H.; Forsythe, J. S.; Zenobi-Wong, M.; * Frith, J.* Biomater. Sci., 2020, 08, 1711. |
[30] | Gelatin based microgels for in vitro T-cell generation Suraiya A. B.; Hun, M. L.; Truong, V. X.; Forsythe, J. S.*; Chidgey, A. P.* ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng, 2020, 6, 2198. |
[29] | Utilization of photo-cleavable group in bio-orthogonal ligation Truong, V. X.* Chemphotochem, 2020, 4, 564. (Invited Concept article/Q1) |
[28] | Bioorthogonal hydrogels by thiol–halide click crosslinking with fast gelation time and tunable stability in aqueous media Truong, V. X.;* Donderwinkel, I.; Jess E. F. J. Polym. Sci. A 2019, 57, 1872. |
[27] | Visible Light Activation of Nucleophilic Thiol-X Addition via Thioether Bimane Photocleavage for Bioorthogonal Polymer Crosslinking Truong, V. X.;* Li, F.; Forsythe, J. S., Biomacromolecules 2018, 19, 4277. |
[26] | Generation of Cartilage through Tissue-Adhesive Assembly of Stem Cells-Laden Microgels Li, F; Truong, V. X.; Thissen, H.; Forsythe, J. S.;* Frith, J.* Acta Biomater. 2018, 77, 48. |
[25] | Increased cardiomyocyte alignment and intracellular calcium transients using micropatterned and drug-releasing poly(glycerol sebacate) elastomers Zhu, C; Rodda A. E.; Truong, V. X.; Shi, Y.; Zhou K.; Haynes, J. M.; Wang, B.; Cook, W. D.; Forsythe, J. S.* ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 2018, 4, 2494. |
[24] | Wavelength Selective Coupling and Decoupling of Polymer Chains via Reversible [2+2] Photocycloaddition for Construction of Photodynamic Hydrogel Truong, V. X.; Li F.; Ercole F.; Forsythe, J. S.* ACS Macro Lett. 2018, 7, 464. |
[23] | Gelatin Hydrogels with Tuneable Stiffness Prepared by Horseradish Peroxidase-Activated Tetrazine-Norbornene Click Crosslinking Carthew, J.; Frith, J. E.; Forsythe, J. S.; Truong, V. X.* J. Mat. Chem. B, 2018, 6, 1394. |
[22] | Non-Swelling Click-Crosslinked Gelatin and PEG Hydrogels with Tunable Properties Using Pluronic Linkers Truong, V. X.; Tsang, K.; Forsythe, J. S. Biomacromolecules, 2017, 18, 757. |
[21] | Visible-Light-Mediated Cleavage of Polymer Chains under Physiological Conditions via Quinone Photoreduction and Trimethyl Lock Truong, V. X.; Li F.; Ercole F.; Forsythe, J. S. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 12076. (Front page inside art cover) |
[20] | Photo-Labile Hydrogels Responsive to Broad Spectrum Visible Light for Selective Cell Release Truong, V. X.; Li F.; Forsythe, J. S., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 32445. |
[19] | Versatile Bioorthogonal Hydrogel Platform by Catalyst Free Visible Light Initiated Photodimerization of Anthracene Truong, V. X.;* Li F.; Forsythe, J. S. ACS Macro Lett., 2017, 6, 657. |
[18] | A Versatile and Rapid Coating Method via a Combination of Plasma Polymerization and Surface Initiated SET-LRP for the Fabrication of Low-fouling Surfaces Shi, Y; Menzies, J. D.; Tsang, K. M.; Borgo, M. P. D.; Easton, C. D.; Aguilar, M.-I.; Perlmutter, P; Truong, V. X.; Forsythe, J. S. J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem., 2017, 55, 2527. |
[17] | Red Light Activation of Tetrazine-Norbornene Conjugation for Bioorthogonal Polymer Crosslinking Across Tissue Truong, V. X.; Tsang, K.; Ercole F.; Forsythe, J. S. , Chem. Mat., 2017, 29, 3678. |
[16] | Facile Microfluidic Encapsulation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Articular Cartilage Tissue Regeneration Li, F; Truong, V. X.; Thissen, H.; Frith, J.; Forsythe, J. S. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 8589. |
[15] | Efficient in situ Nucleophilic Thiol-Yne Click Chemistry for the Synthesis of Strong Hydrogel Materials with Tuneable Properties Macdougall, L. J.; Truong, V. X.; Dove, A. P. ACS Macro Lett. 2017, 6, 93. |
[14] | Independent Control of Elastomer Properties through Stereocontrolled Synthesis Bell C. A.; Yu J.; Barker I. A.; Truong V. X.; Becker M. L.; Dove A. P. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 13076. |
[13] | In situ-Forming Click-Crosslinked Gelatin Based Hydrogels for 3D Culture of Thymic Epithelial Cells Truong, V. X.; Hun M. L.; Li, F; Chidgey, A. P.; Forsythe, J. S. Biomater. Sci., 2016, 4, 1123. |
[12] | Antibacterial Hydrogels Formed from Poly(ethylene glycol) via Epoxy-Amine Reaction and Thiol-Ene Click Reaction Zhao, C.; Truong, V. X.; Qu, Y.; Lithgow, T.; Gu, F.; Forsythe, J. S. J. Polym. Sci. A Polym. Chem. 2016, 54, 656. |
[11] | Light-Triggered Release of Ciprofloxacin from an in situ Forming Click Hydrogel for Antibacterial Wound Dressings Shi, Y; Truong, V. X.; Kulkarni K.; Qu, Y.; Simon, G. P.; Boyd, R. L.; Perlmutter, P.; Forsythe, J. S.* J. Mater. Chem. B 2015, 3, 8771-8774. |
[10] | Photodegradable Gelatin Based Hydrogels Prepared by Bioorthogonal Click Chemistry for Cell Encapsulation and Release Truong, V. X.; Tsang, K. M.; Simon G. P.; Boyd R., Evans; R. A., Thissen, H.; Forsythe, J. S.* Biomacromolecules, 2015, 16, 2246 |
[09] | Nitrile oxide Norbornene Cycloaddition as a Bioorthogonal Crosslinking Chemistry for Preparation of Injectable Hydrogels Truong, V. X.; Zhao, K.; Simon G. P.; Forsythe, J. S.* Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2015, 36, 1729. |
[08] | Simultaneous Orthogonal Dual-Click Approach to Tough, in situ-Forming Hydrogels for Cell Encapsulation Truong, V. X.; Ablett, M. P.; Richardson, S. M.; Hoyland, J. A.; Dove, A. P.* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 1618. |
[07] | Synthetic strategies, sustainability and biological applications of malic acid-based polymers King, S. L.; Truong, V. X.; Kirchhoefer, C.; Pitto-Barry, A.; Dove, A. P.* Green Mater., 2014, 1, 1-16. |
[06] | In situ-forming robust chitosan-poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels prepared by copper-free azide-alkyne click reaction for tissue engineering Truong, V. X.; Ablett, M. P.; Gilbert, H. T. J.; Bowen, J.; Richardson, S. M.; Hoyland, J. A.; Dove, A. P.* Biomater. Sci., 2014, 2, 167. |
[05] | Organocatalytic, Regioselective Click Reaction of Thiols to Propiolic Acid Esters for Polymer-Polymer Coupling Truong, V. X.; Dove A. P.* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 4132. |
[04] | Preparation of in situ-Forming Poly(5-methyl-5-allyloxycarbonyl-1,3-dioxan-2-one)-Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogels with Tuneable Swelling, Mechanical Strength and Degradability Truong, V. X.; Barker, I. A.; Tan, M.; Mespouille, L.; Dubois, Ph.; Dove A. P. J. Mater. Chem. B 2013, 1, 221. |
[03] | Organocatalytic Synthesis and Post-Polymerization Functionalization of Propargyl-Functional Poly(Carbonate)s Tempelaar, S.; Barker, I. A.; Truong, V. X.; Hall, D. J.; Mespouille, L.; Dubois, Ph.; Dove A. P.* Polym. Chem., 2013, 4, 174. |
[02] | Hydrophilic and amphiphilic polyethylene glycol-based hydrogels with tunable degradability prepared by “click” chemistry Truong, V. X.; Blakey, I.; Whittaker, A. K.* Biomacromolecules, 2012, 13, 4012. |
[01] | Synthesis of linear and branched poly(trimethylene carbonate-co-lactide) copolymers and an investigation of chemical structure on hydrolytic degradation Truong, V. X.; Blakey, I.; Whittaker A. K.* Polym. Prepr., 2008, 49, 1097 (Conference publication). |
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